Terrie Cutter
Terrie Cutter is an ordained minister of the Church of God, Cleveland, TN. She has served the state of South Carolina faithfully since the 1980's. She is widowed to the late wife Derrick Cutter and has two children Matthew and Deanna.
Terrie & Derrick Cutter have served as the Senior Pastor of the Safe Harbor Worship Center since August of 2000. Since the Cutter administration has been in place Safe Harbor Worship Center has excelled in ministry. They have a passion for God and an ear to hear.
Prayer, Family, and Servant-hood have been the primary focus of Apostle Cutter. After all, if you can't pray, have strong family values, or understand the power of servant-hood you will never conquer your town, city, state, or region. As we continue to acquire these powerful concepts, we continue to see the spiritual and physical growth God has promised.